[English below]
Avaland es una banda francesa de Power sinfónico con hechuras de Opera Metal liderada por Adrien G. Gzagg y que para su álbum debut se rodea de buenos amigos para llevar este barco a buen puerto. El disco titulado “Theater of Sorcery” sale a la venta el 2 de Abril via Rockshots Records, el álbum gira sobre la vida del mago Adam Wilstorm y su lucha por devolver la luz al reino. Musicalmente el álbum emula a grupos como Avantasia o Ayreon, grupos de los que se declara ferviente admirador Adrien. Para poner la guinda al álbum, este se rodea de un elenco de colaboradores como Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear), Zak Stevens (Savatage/TSO), Zaher Zorgati (Myrath), Emmanuelson (Rising Steel), Stéphan Forté (Adagio), Madie (Nightmare) dando a este álbum debut un toque de calidad exquisito.
El álbum desborda creatividad a raudales donde en el desarrollo de la historia los distintos colaboradores van interviniendo a raíz de la consecución de la historia. Desde la canción “Theater of Sorcery” que inicia el disco con ritmos épicos y buenos coros. O el tema “Gypsum Flower” con ritmos arábicos, de mis temas favoritos. En “Let the Wind Blow” me encanta las guitarras acabalgadas y el dúo de voces con buenos coros en el estribillo. Otros temas como “Holy Kingdom of Fools” o “Never Let Me Walk Alone” con unos tintes hard rockeros cañerisimos. “Deja Vu” con un inicio rítmico de guitarras que nos recuerda al tema “The Man of the Silver Mountain” de Rainbow. O la balada “I’ll Be Ready for Your Love” que está guapísima con unos teclados que te hacen volar literalmente.
Bueno no me voy a extender más para lo que tengo que decir, que estamos ante un DISCAZO, y que Avaland puede ser digno sucesor de Avantasia. Por poner alguna pega me hubiera gustado más protagonismo de Adrien, ya que a veces se ve eclipsado por sus colaboradores. Pero lo dicho, DISCAZO.
Texto: Abbbbaaaattthhhhh
Avaland is a French symphonic Power band with Opera Metal workings led by Adrien G. Gzagg and that for their debut album surrounds themselves with good friends to bring this ship to fruition. The album entitled “Theater of Sorcery” is released on April 2 via Rockshots Records, the album revolves around the life of the magician Adam Wilstorm and his struggle to restore light to the kingdom. Musically the album emulates groups like Avantasia or Aireon, groups of which Adrien declares himself a fervent admirer. To round off the album, it is surrounded by a cast of collaborators such as Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear), Zak Stevens (Savatage / TSO), Zaher Zorgati (Myrath), Emmanuelson (Rising Steel), Stéphan Forté (Adagio), Madie (Nightmare) giving this debut album a touch of exquisite quality.
The album overflows creativity in abundance where in the development of the story the different collaborators intervene as a result of the achievement of the story. From the song “Theater of Sorcery” that starts the album with epic rhythms and good choruses. Or the song “Gypsum Flower” with Arabic rhythms, one of my favorite songs. On “Let the Wind Blow” I love the riding guitars and the vocal duo with good chorus in the chorus. Other songs like “Holy Kingdom of Fools” or “Never Let Me Walk Alone” with some very hard rocker overtones. “Deja Vu” with a rhythmic beginning of guitars that reminds us of the song “The Man of the Silver Mountain” by Rainbow. Or the ballad “I’ll Be Ready for Your Love” which is gorgeous with keyboards that literally make you fly.
Well I’m not going to elaborate on what I have to say, that we are facing a BIG LP, and that Avaland may be a worthy successor to Avantasia. To put a few downsides I would have liked more of Adrien’s role, since he is sometimes overshadowed by his collaborators. But what was said, BIG LP.
Text: Abbbbaaaattthhhhh
Listado de canciones/Tracklist:
- Theater of Sorcery
- Gypsum Flower
- Let the Wind Blow
- Storyteller
- Escape to Paradise
- Holy Kingdom of Fools
- Never Let Me Walk Alone
- Deja Vu
- I’ll Be Ready for Your Love
- War of Minds
- Rise From The Ashes